Cut You Off

Ahh, Gentle Reader,

Well, it finally happened. My mother has crossed a line I cannot excuse / defend / overlook. 

For YEARS, everyone I've talked to about her has told me to cut contact / lessen contact / enforce boundaries / etc. because she is toxic. This includes doctors, friends, acquaintences, everyone. And I just couldn't do it. I love her. I felt sorry for her. I didn't want to give up on her, or leave her without support. 

But tonight, she tactically attacked, went for the "Critical Hit" shot that she knew would do the most damage. I refuse to allow that behavior to continue. I refuse to allow her COMPLETE lack of accountability for her own behavior to continue. I refuse to allow her accusations to continue. I refuse to allow her manipulative behavior to continue. (This list could get long.) I refuse to allow her to keep the relationship we have with a weird power dynamic that is unhealthy for both of us, and practically undoes the HARD WORK I have done, and continue to do, in therapy. 

So, for MY mental health, I have decided to cut contact. This was not an easy decision. But it is one that I have to make for my own well-being. Maybe someday she will understand that. 

Remember, as always, to stay safe, wear your mask, drink water, and love yourself as you love your friends

All My Love, 


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