
Showing posts from April, 2022

It's (NOT) Just a Cup

      Ahh, gentle reader,     Today, I confessed to my Sweetie how very sad I am that my special tumbler that said "Bride" on it is gone. I got it at a Bridal Expo, and it probably cost them a dollar to make/decorate. But it was the ONLY item I had that confirmed my engaged status. I proposed to my Sweetie, so I didn't get a ring. And we ordered me one later, but it was a spinner, and I wash my hands with bar soap far too often for that to work. So my tumbler was like, THE THING I had that made me think of our upcoming wedding. Also, I used it to mix up sugar free lemonade, because the straw was perfect for that.       I'm diabetic, so having sugar free drinks is very important. And it made it just the tiniest bit easier, and more likely for me to make lemonade than to drink something else. Or not drink and get dehydrated...      So, I was all up in my feels, and told them how sad I was over the loss of my beloved cup (I dro...

Today is ash.

    Ahh, gentle reader,      When I started this blog, I wanted it to be a mostly positive place. Today I do not feel positive. I have claimed the identity of Phoenix. And last night was burning. Today is ash. Hopefully, tomorrow will be rebirth. Right now, all I can see is the smoke, but I have faith in myself, and after numerous rebirths, I believe I shall live again.      I wish I could explain what set me ablaze, but that is not my own story to tell.      I wish I had a cute quote, or some sappy goodness to share with you, but today is ash .       Until next time, stay safe, drink water, and love yourself as you love your friends.                                                                     ...

Why "Waxing Poetic"?

    Ahh, gentle reader,             A few nights ago, my Sweetie and I were cuddling and talking, and I was feeling extra mushy. I said, "I don't know why I'm waxing poetic about everything today.", and the phrase has been stuck in my head ever since. It's one that I really like, probably because no one says it anymore.      There's also the fact that there's SO MUCH negativity everywhere now. And I am guilty of it, too. I want a place where I can remind myself of and share mostly positive things, things that make me giggle, things that remind me of the beauty of human beings - beyond my beloved Sweetie, who is the most beautiful of the humans .           Warning: Incoming cheese!      One of the things that brings me the most joy is that my Sweetie makes me laugh every day. EVERY . DAY . I think that is the most magnificent magic . They are not as sarcastic as I am, so it's usually...

A Little Update

     Ahh, gentle reader,      I wanted to give you a heads up. I am taking 3 online courses through our library, so I may not be able to post as often as I'd like. They will finish up in June. But I plan to take more. Learn ALL THE THINGS!      One of my classes is about blogging and podcasting, so I'll be learning and improving over the next month as well. I'm so excited!      I've also been having some health issues - not Covid, thankfully. But they have kept my energy levels fluctuating, and that makes it hard to accomplish the grandiose To-Do list I always tend to make for myself. I'm working on that with my therapist, who happens to be a brilliant angelic figure. And I definitely need one of those. Who doesn't, to be honest?      Well, I'm off to do homework. Until next time, stay safe, drink water, and love yourself as you love your friends.                ...

Not Another Boring Intro

     Ahh, gentle reader,      Hello, and welcome to my life, or as much of it as I'm willing to share on the internet. I hope you are doing well as you read this. This blog is all about my thoughts on life, liberty, and the pursuit of enough tacos to bring happiness. (I'm mostly kidding.) It may not be your cup of tea, but that's okay. We can still be friends. 😊     I'm Izzy. I'm a cisgender woman, who uses she/her pronouns. I am many other labels, which we'll get to later. 😉 I am not a mother, for multiple reasons, which we may get into later. I am happily engaged and living in sin with my partner, who shall remain named, Sweetie. 😍     We live in a shitty part of town, which I hope to someday escape from. I have dreams of owning our own home. I'd like to build it ourselves, but I don't know how reasonable that will be, given that neither of us are contractors or architects. I'll be happy as long as I have a craft room (or workshop,...